Insomnia is a fairly common condition, affecting one in three people, making it more difficult for them to fall asleep. If it becomes a regular pattern, it can have very serious consequences on your health. For example, lack of sleep can make it harder to focus on important tasks, affecting your effectiveness at work. To treat the condition, some people might use sleeping pills. However, this is only a short-term solution, and they will lose their effectiveness over time. For this reason, it's essential that you treat the underlying issues, poor sleep habits. Let's look at some of the best ways you can do this.
Reduce Technology Use
Often, the things you do before you try to fall asleep can have a big impact on the type of rest that you can get. For example, you should make sure that you limit the amount of time you spend on electronic devices before you falling asleep. These emit blue light, which causes your brain to produce melatonin. This chemical disrupts sleep patterns, making it harder for you to drift off. There are some ways that you can prevent this. For example, you might want to get an app that filters out the blue light from your devices. Alternatively, you might want to avoid electronics altogether, reading for an hour each night instead.
Ventilate The Room
You might also want to consider the way that your room is set-up. You should make sure that the environment is well ventilated, allowing the air to move around the room. The fresh air can help you feel relaxed. In some cases, you might want to use an air conditioner to control the temperature, so that you always feel comfortable. In some cases, you might also want to measure the humidity levels. This will tell you the amount of moisture in the air, which can affect how easy it will be for you to breathe. Ideally, it should be between thirty to fifty percent.
Create A Darker Room
Removing sources of artificial light can make it easier for you to fall asleep. Our brains evolved to go to sleep in a darker environment. For example, you might want to use thicker curtains to block more of the outside light. You might also want to try to remove appliances that have bright pilot lights, or switch them off before you go to sleep. To measure the amount of light in the room, you can use a lux value. To prepare for a night's sleep, you should slowly start to reduce the amount of light in the space. For example, if you are reading before bed, there should be less than 180 lux. After you turn out the lights, you should have less than five lux.
Clear Your Mind
It can also be useful to think about the way that you approach sleep. Once you are comfortable in your bed, try to let your mind go blank. This can be difficult, especially if you've had a stressful day. To help with this, you might want to try practicing meditation. These techniques will teach you how you clear your mind of anxiety and stress. You might also want to try using soothing music or white noise. This can give you something to focus on, making it easier for you to relax. Finally, you might want to create a sleep schedule. This will allow you to make sure that you are getting the right amount of sleep each night. For most adults, this will be seven to nine hours each night.
Get High-Quality Linen
The type of materials that you have on your bed can also have a big impact on how quickly you fall asleep. It's important to choose a linen that's high quality. This will allow you to control your temperature and create a comfortable sleeping environment. When choosing linens, the thread count can sometimes be misleading. Instead, it's best to focus on the type of material that it's been made out of. You might want to feel the linen in-store, to determine how comfortable it is. To find the right type of linen, you might have to experiment with different materials and brands. Finally, try to find an attractive design, to make sure that your bed looks stylish.
Find A Comfortable Blanket
You should also make sure that you find a comfortable blanket. When trying to locate the best blanket, you should make sure that you get something that is soft. You might also want to consider how heavy it will be. A weighted blanket might be able to help you calm stress and anxiety, making it easier to fall asleep. If it's too light, it might not be able to provide enough warmth. However, if it's too heavy it might be stifling, making you feel uncomfortable. Generally, the right weight is around ten percent of your body weight. However, you might need to experiment to find the option that is most comfortable for you.
Choose A Great Pillow
Finally, you should get a comfortable pillow. This is one of the biggest elements that will determine how relaxed you will be. To find the right pillow, you will need to consider you're sleeping position, this will determine the amount of support you need. For example, if you sleep on your back, you might be able to get a soft pillow, as you won't need much spinal support. However, if you sleep on your stomach or side, you could need a firmer pillow. As you can see, there are several things to think about to make sure that you are picking the right pillow. If you want more tips, you can check out these tips on choosing a comfortable pillow.
Sleep plays an essential role in our lives, determining how much focus and energy you have. Insomnia can be very frustrating, as you struggle to get to sleep. Hopefully, these tips will make it easier for you to fall asleep at night, without needing to use medications.
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