6 Ways to Increase Engagement and Visibility of Your Instagram Stories

(Photo : pixabay)

Have you included the stories in your Instagram marketing strategy? Well, you made the right choice as over 500 million people watch stories every day, neglecting this aspect would be an act of self-sabotage. However, publishing a story every now and then is VERY FAR from having a strategy. On the contrary, stories must be used intelligently and constantly to attract people's attention.

Above all, it helps you to increase engagement and acquire more visibility from the algorithm. How to do it? There are many ways to increase these basic parameters. In this article, you will discover useful tips for making fun, brilliant, engaging stories, attracting the attention of your audience, and that of the algorithm. Ready?


Design of Instagram Stories that match the visual identity of your brand

Brand = Person

Creating good stories is critical to making users stop and watch.

But that's not enough; stories must be matched perfectly with your visual identity. This is the only way to create a sense of familiarity between you and the fans and, above all, manage to stand out from the crowd.

When your followers see your stories, they will find your personality behind the brand, not a story to bypass in 2 seconds. The identity of a brand also passes through visual content; this also applies especially to Instagram.


Identify the most popular content from your audience

You need to understand what your followers' most popular content helps improve story engagement. Analyzing insights is necessary to understand which stories work best, to make corrections, and choose the content to propose.

The types of content stories that work most and that bring more algorithmic visibility to all your content (including posts in the gallery) are:

1. Entertainment with quizzes

2. Tutorial

3. Stories

4. Advantageous offers

Check when people are "active."

Knowing when people are most active on Instagram is useful for increasing the views of your stories.

Check when users spend more time on Instagram when they are more likely to explore feeds and stories can make the difference between a few views and many views. Usually, Instagram Insights the "Activities" tab allows you to check the interactions on your account.

The "Public" tab allows you to understand where the followers come from, the age group, the gender, and the times when the followers are online on a given day. The data also allows you to plan and schedule stories to get multiple views and interactions.

Take advantage of UGC

Did your followers mention you in a story, or did they tag you in the feed? User-generated content is gold for a brand because they allow you to have material at no cost!

UGCs are like word of mouth in traditional marketing. People tend to trust more because of the content produced by people. So, using them strategically could bring engagement and Instagram likes on your posts.

Create animated stories to attract attention

Every day, around 500 million people watch stories on Instagram. You got it right, 500 million. Try to create animated stories with gifs, stickers, music (now there are also the lyrics with the musical stickers), and filters. It is better to post an animated story than a static image; to increase engagement.

Use stickers and conquer your audience!

Using stickers is an intelligent tactic to create engagement and compel the people to take action. In fact, the algorithm will give you more visibility (even to the contents published in the gallery). Instagram offers us several options to engage people. For instance, surveys are useful because they give fans the opportunity to express their opinion. 

With the location sticker, we can involve the fans closest physically to the brand. Now, the countdown, the hype around the launch of a product, a new service, and novelty increases using this feature. Let's not forget that through the stories, you can sell your product and service through special stickers.

So, are you ready to break the algorithm using these tips? Let us know in the comment below!