Fleas might be tiny and sometimes way too small for our eyes to even notice them, but these tiny creatures can do more harm than we can ever imagine. Fleas can trigger violent scratches and itches on your dog's body, but that is not all because they can even cause various diseases. And of course, there is no way we can ever let these small insects harm our faithful furry friends.
Starting from what your dog eats and drinks to all the other animals he meets when you go out for a jog, it is important that you keep a track of all these things, to clue in on the source of the flea infection.
Well, there is no reason to panic since you can easily find out how to get rid of fleas, but it is important to first understand whether your dog has contracted a flea infection or not. Some of the most common flea diseases that afflict dogs are -
1. Flea Allergy Dermatitis
Flea Allery Dermatitis or FAD is caused due to flea bites. It causes extreme irritation, itching, and hot spots on the dog's skin. When this happens, it can be dangerous for your dog if he scratches or bites the hot spot. The wound can get aggravated and increase in size if your dog licks it all over. So if you see your dog scratching and licking his body way too much, be prompt and rush to the nearest vet as soon as possible to prevent the infection from spreading all over the body.
2. Plague
Plague is one of the very common yet dangerous diseases in dogs caused by fleas. If the plague is not treated right on time, it can even prove to be fatal for your pet. According to doctors, the plague in human beings is now very rare, but it still affects animals like dogs and even cats. Symptoms of plague include fever and big lumps on the body. If you notice either of these on your pet's body, you must visit the vet as soon as possible. You should also understand that plague can lead to sudden fatalities, so the strength and the awareness about this disease must spread faster amongst people than the disease itself!
3. Haemobartonellosis
Haemobartonellosis is a disease that is caused by ticks and fleas as well. It damages the red blood cells (RBC) of your pet and as a result, your cat or dog will rapidly start losing weight and experience faster heartbeats. Cats generally contract this disease due to eating dirt and dogs are affected mostly after having their spleen removed.
4. Tapeworms
Dogs are innocent and sometimes we cannot blame them for eating things that they are not supposed to. While licking their coat or fur, dogs might accidentally end up eating fleas. And when these fleas contain tapeworm eggs inside them, they later hatch inside the dog's body and cause intestinal ailments, vomiting, and extreme irritation.
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