When it comes to making healthy choices, it can sometimes feel like there isn't enough time or options to keep things going. When late for work, it's easier to grab a takeaway latte than whip up a quinoa fruit salad at home. And when feeling a little jaded or lacking in motivation, it can be tough to resist that temptation to break up your habit-building efforts and "take a day off", again.
But developing a healthy routine has more to do with productivity than time and in this article, we take a look at five easy ways that you can get healthier without needing any more time or effort:
5 Easy Ways to Get Healthier Quickly
1. Create the Perfect Environment for Better Sleep
Sleep not only reduces stress but also the risk of heart disease, cancer and most mental health related illnesses. However, without the right routine and sleep environment, the quality of your sleep will never be up to scratch. With this in mind, pay more attention to the importance of sleep and listen to podcasts or read books that will help create a sleep pattern that works for you. Just so you know, "Why We Sleep" by Matthew Walker should tell you everything you need to know.
2. Hire a Personal Trainer for Productive Workouts
Let's be honest, left to their own devices, most people don't go to the gym as much as they planned. As if that's not enough, moving listlessly around the gym is not really the best way to approach any workout. On the other hand, hiring a personal trainer will make sure that you are showing up on time and doing the right exercises with the right equipment. Hiring a fitness trainers is also a great way to get the most out of whatever limited amount of time you can afford to spend at the gym.
3. Drop the Coffee and Think About Green Tea
Okay, the thought of going without coffee is quite a daunting one. However, there are many delicious alternatives out there and green tea is arguably the most healthy you will find. Aside from being low in calories, green tea is packed full of antioxidants and nutrients which provide many health benefits to the body and mind. As if that's not enough, green tea is great for boosting metabolism thanks to a healthy dose of epigallocatechin gallate which helps the body burn fat.
4. Go for a Walk at Every Opportunity
It's easy to fall off the wagon when it comes to exercise and even a ten-minute walk can do wonders for mental health. Instead of lazing around the work canteen, take a brisk walk around the block; rather than driving to the supermarket, travel on foot; as opposed to lying in every Sunday morning, inject some fun into your weekend by organizing a hike with friends or family on a nearby trail.
5. Embrace the Power of Making a Shopping List
Making a grocery list not only saves you from wandering aimlessly around the supermarket but also ensures that you make a conscious effort to refine your diet. Needless to say, this means that you are more likely to think about healthier food choices and avoid impulse items that won't serve your new lifestyle. Just so you know, recent studies also show that people who make grocery lists are much more likely to lose weight and stick to a healthy diet.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, getting healthier is all about productivity and making the most of whatever time you have available. True, it's always easier said than done, but the impact of these slight changes can have a significant chemical and physiological change on the body that makes the effort worthwhile.
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