Whether you like it or not, parasites live within your intestines. Some parasites do not affect your daily life. Other parasites can cause or affect severe health problems in your body.
You might think of a parasite as a large creature destroying your internal organs, but that's only partially correct. Most parasites are small invaders you can't see or feel as they disrupt your digestive system and other functions.
How do you know if you have parasites? What do you do about them? We're here to help, but you might not want to read this over a meal as you learn how to get rid of parasites.
What Are Intestinal Parasites?
Parasites can invade any living thing. They are organisms that invade a host and live off of the host to survive. In humans, intestinal parasites take up residence in your intestines and disrupt your ability to process food. They steal your essential nutrients for themselves.
When your body can't digest properly, other systems begin to break down. Parasites aren't content to simply exist in your body. Some parasites can multiply, while others are content to grow and invade further into your system.
You've probably heard of tapeworms, roundworms, or pinworms. These are widely recognized types of multi-cell parasites. Single-celled parasites include cryptosporidium and giardia.
How Do Parasites Get Into My System?
It's not a strategic attack from an outside organism. Most parasites enter your body through contaminated water or food. You can also contract certain kinds of parasites from a contaminated toilet seat or sexual contact.
There is no shortage of stories about sick tourists returning to the U.S. after traveling through Mexico or other countries where drinking water isn't safe to drink. Unless they drank directly from a water faucet or fountain, they're probably dealing with a parasite they ingested from food washed in contaminated water.
Ingesting undercooked food, produced washed in contaminated water, or food prepared in an unclean kitchen can introduce parasites into your intestines.
How Do I Know If I Have Parasites?
The effects of a parasitic invasion can happen slowly. You might notice only a few symptoms that could be symptoms of other health problems, like the flu or food poisoning. However, you're not dealing with a simple 24-hour stomach bug or a bad trip through the buffet line.
Parasites or stomach worms are indeed a stomach "bug" that requires action to remove them from your system. In some cases, parasites leave lasting health problems in their host humans.
If you're dealing with intestinal parasites, you'll experience these kinds of symptoms:
- Stomach cramps and pain
- Nausea, upset stomach, and vomiting
- Fever
- Dehydration
- Gas, diarrhea, or constipation
- Weight loss (either a sudden drop or prolonged loss over time from a slow-acting parasite)
- Dehydration
- Aches, pains, and flu-like symptoms
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Skin redness, itching, or irritation
If any or several of these symptoms persist over several days or weeks, there's a good chance you have a parasite problem.
How Do I Get Rid of Parasites?
Remember, parasitic worms in humans steal the nutrients your body needs to survive. The symptoms above are your body's reaction to a foreign body taking what you need to live-from the inside out.
Seek medical treatment if you suspect you have a parasite. If caught early, doctors can treat most parasites with oral medication. However, it's critical not to ignore the symptoms.
Don't wait until you need emergency medical attention to replace fluids or repair damaged organs as a result of the parasitic activity. Left untreated, parasites can cause extreme internal trauma.
Natural Remedies and Diet Changes
You can also deal with parasites using natural remedies and changes to your diet. When you have a healthy intestinal tract and optimal function of your digestive system, parasites won't want to live in your body.
Dr. Todd Watts from MicrobeFormulas.com says that all of the human body systems combined are estimated to naturally contain approximately 75 thousand different enzymes. Enzymes help restore proper function to your intestines and other systems within your body. When your intestinal tract is healthy, it's less hospitable to parasites.
Diet changes can help fight parasites. Add foods like honey, sunflower seeds, garlic, and onions. Avoid raw fish and meat, and be sure to wash all produce in clean water before eating.
Detoxing Your System
Some natural health practitioners recommend a detox cleanse to get rid of intestinal parasites. As with any medical advice, do your research and consult an expert to prevent additional harm to yourself through a detox.
Some natural herbs have "parasite-killing" properties. Be sure you consult your doctor before adding herbal supplements to your diet. Look for some of these common herbs to help detox your digestive system from parasites.
- Sage. To combat parasites that reproduce, try sage. This herb can help reduce the production of eggs from tapeworms and pinworms.
- Thyme. Seasoning your food with thyme gives your body more eugenol and thymol to help repel parasites.
- Black Walnut Hulls. The hulls of black walnuts contain juglone. This compound helps fight a parasite that infects the eyes, lungs, and brain.
Be careful when performing a parasite cleanse. After you're free from a parasite invasion, maintain healthy levels of enzymes within your body with daily herbal supplements.
Knowing How to Get Rid of Parasites Keeps You Healthy!
Knowing how to get rid of parasites can help your body recover more quickly after suffering from a parasitic invasion. After your internal system resets and recovers, preventing parasites with diet and natural remedies is one of the best ways to stay healthy and repel future parasites.
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