Deep in the Amazon jungle of Rondônia, Brazil, the sole surviving member of an uncontacted tribe has lived for two decades on his own.
In this day and age, it's nearly impossible to imagine a true tribe of one. Now, newly released footage of his hut and its surroundings give the public a glimpse of the mysterious man that has carried on 22 years after the death of his entire tribe.
Lone Survivor Makes It On His Own
According to Survival International, the man has avoided contact with mainstream society. Thus, very little is known about him, including his name. Instead, he's known as the Last of His Tribe.
Experts have pieced together evidence to get an idea of the mysterious man's life now as a tribe of one.
A number of his abandoned campsites reveal that he plants crops such as bananas, corn, papaya, and manioc. He also hunts animals by digging holes that are about 2 meters deep with sharpened staves at the bottom.
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