A recent report published by researchers at Imperial London College, with the help from the World Health Organization (WHO), revealed that most people around the world would have an increase in average life expectancy by 2030, except the United States.

The United States may be one of the world's most powerful, but when it comes to average life expectancy, it is not.

According to the report, among the high-income countries included in the study, the U.S. will have the lowest life expectancy at birth by 2030 --- with an average of 83.3 years for women and 79.5 years for men.

At present, the United States ranks 42nd in the world for average life expectancy, just under 80 years.

Another study by Net Quote, as forwarded to Nature World News, examined the differences of average life expectancy across some states in the United States. The study notes that the factors that determine life expectancy and in which particular state in the country do Americans live longer.

Based on the data, Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, Georgia and Arkansas had the widest gap in the nation between men's and women's average life expectancy. While Montana, Idaho, and Oregon, Colorado and South Dakota had the smallest gap between men's and women's life expectancy.

In terms of race and ethnicity, Asian-Americans live longer, with up to 87 years on the average, while African-Americans die at around 75 years. The study notes that this is because of higher rates of heart disease and cancer, as well as historical inadequacies in medical care due to discrimination and segregation.

As compared per states, African-Americans had the longest average life expectancies in Minnesota, Massachusetts and Connecticut (77-79).

Income also plays part in determining the average life expectancy of people in the Unites States, as more money means better access to health care. United States has the largest share of unmet health-care needs due to financial costs.

If these gaps are not addressed, Washington Post notes that United States will soon put life spans on par with those in Mexico and the Czech Republic.

Click this link to find out how does life expectancy vary by state.