Conspiracy theorists have allegedly found evidence that would prove that the government has been working with extraterrestrials.
As reported by IB Times, netizens are caught in a whirl after UFO hunter Steven Barone uploaded a video of showing the US Air Force testing an alien spacecraft.
The video description is written as follows:
"I shot this video from my backyard in the Summerlin area of Las Vegas, Nevada on the night of November 15, 2016.
I wanted to get the video I shot last night out the same night. To do that I had to increase the speed up on the night vision portion by five times because it takes so long to render, upload and process the video. Jaime Maussan told me they are always best at actual speed so I am remaking that portion of last night's video."
Barone added that the video was not enhanced and that what he posted is exactly what his camera has caught.
A well-known conspiracy theory is that "Tall White" aliens are situated within the Nellis Air Force Base, Headlines and Global News reported.
The Tall Whites, according to them are extraterrestrial race coming from an unknown planet.
According to Forbes, documents about the Tall Whites were previously leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. The documents conclusively proved that United States has been ruled by Tall Whites who also assisted the rise of Nazi Germany in the 1930s.
Snowden added that after assisting Nazi Germany in building high-tech submarines for war, the Tall Whites proceeded to the United States and negotiated with then President Dwight Eisenhower and agreed to establish a 'secret regime' currently ruling over America.
Scot Warring, editor of UFO Sightings Daily agreed with the speculations of Netizens and shared on his blog that the technology was given to by the aliens to the US Air Force.
He also added that the objects are flying over a US Air Force base, a location with high security fence, so that no one will see what they are doing.
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