Scientists have recently discovered a strange depression on Mars that might finally answer the age-old question if there are extreterrestrial life or aliens on Mars.
Since ancient times, humanity has always been interested in what lies beyond the threshold of the planet's atmosphere. There have been troves of theories, scientific initiatives and researches dedicated to uncovering the truth surrounding the existence of alien life.
Mere days ago, RDMag published a report detailing the discovery of a peculiar depression on the surface of the red planet. The depression, which is located near the rim of the Hellas basin, seems to have all the requirements that could foster microbial life. According to Joseph Levy, research associate from the University of Texas and lead author of the study, the location is warm and chemical-rich enough to have been able to produce primitive forms of life.
"We were drawn to this site because it looked like it could host some of the key ingredients for habitability - water, heat and nutrients," explained Levy in a statement as reported by The Independent.
The team initially encountered the odd depression in 2009. However, it was not until earlier this year when scientists were able to analyze the location using stereoscopic images.
"These landforms caught our eye because they're weird looking. They're concentrically fractured so they look like a bulls-eye. That can be a very diagnostic pattern you see in Earth materials" explained Levy.
Nevertheless, Levy's research is not the only study that tackled the existence of alien life in Mars recently. According to Dr. Christian Schroder from Stirling University, life in Mars could only have been possible beneath the planet's dry surface.
"For life to exist in the areas we investigated, it would need to find pockets far beneath the surface, located away from the dryness and radiation present on the ground" explained Schroder as reported by The Independent.
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