After the stunning birth of the first-ever "Three Parent- Child," another world's has wowed the scientific community. Chicago couple, Justin Ruehs and his husband Adam Smeets, discovered that their surrogate will be having triplets with the DNAs of both dads.
According to CBS News, the couple faced a lot of struggles in the past, especially during the times wherein same-sex marriage was not yet legal in some states. They get through with all of it and are now together in a life full of bliss. But such bliss is nothing compared to the news of their unique triplets.
Despite sleepless nights and tiring days, Justin and Adam are ready to give everything for their triplets as their parents. More than anything, they are more of parents to their children. The amazing triplets, twin girls named Harper and Collins and a boy named Emmet, brought a lot of joy into to their lives.
Four years ago, the couple already knew that they wanted to have children and their option was via surrogacy. After 35 weeks, they soon realized that aside from having triplets, their children will be the first-ever in history to be conceived with both the fathers' DNAs. The twin girls have Justin's DNA while their son has Adam's DNA.
"They're genetically half-siblings. They're going to look alike. I think it will be good for them," Justin says.
Though initially stunned, the couple embraces fully their unique triplets, who are now three months old. As the first gay couple that has kids in this kind of genetic situation, Justin and Adam feel more responsible parents than ever.
"We represent that gay couples have families, and families are not defined as just one thing or another," Adam said. "It comes in many different shapes and sizes, too."
The couple is now on leave, taking care of their triplets.
Recently, news about one-of-kind babies have been hitting the news. Some of these medical breakthroughs include the tfirst baby born with three genetical parents and a revolutionary way of having babies without sex and egg fertilization.
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