You may want to reconsider leaving your pets inside your car during a hot day in California as the people in the state are now legally allowed to break a window to save the animal from the excessive heat.
The bill, which is humorously called "hot dog" bill, was signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown last Sept. 24, 2016. Under the new law, Californians can now resolve to drastic measure to save an animal that is in peril. However, concerned citizens must first call law enforcement officers. If the pet is in imminent danger and the law enforcers are late to respond, people could smash the window to save the animal.
According to the report from CBS News, the individual who broke the animal free will not be held liable for causing vehicular damage for the purpose of saving the animal. But, the person involved is required to remain in the area until the law enforcers arrived.
The Assembly Bill-797 was authored by Assemblyman Marc Steinorth, Miguel Santiago and others. The bill was made after numerous cases of dogs dying after being left in the ca in a hot day were reported.
To have a better feel of what it is like being trapped in a car with no air-conditioning on a hot day, the politicians lock themselves in a car and only took about eight minutes before they gave up.
According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, hundreds of pets left in the car die due to heatstroke every years. Unlike humans, dogs can't sweat to cool themselves, Furthermore, the inside temperature of a car can quickly reached levels that are dangerous for animals. It could increase by 20 degrees Fahrenheit in just ten minutes and could even be 40 degrees hotter than the outside temperature for 60 minutes.
AVMA also noted that cracking the window have little effect in the internal temperature of car. Due to this, the association recommends pet owners just to leave their pets at home where they are safely and happily waiting for their arrival.
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