Steps to harness energy from sustainable sources are being taken by nations all over the world in an attempt to shift to a renewable energy trend that is not harmful to the environment. In Scotland, the first tidal power array was inaugurated, a step considered a breakthrough worldwide.
In an attempt to power homes by natural means, NOVA Innovation deployed tidal power turbines, the world's first fully operational tidal power sources in Bluemull Sound north of Shetland. Reports say that the currently installed tidal power system has the ability to power about 300 homes on the Scottish island.
Today, two turbines were already installed and are operating at 40 percent of its total capacity.
"We are absolutely delighted to be the first company in the world to deploy a fully operational tidal array," Simon Forrest, managing director of Nova Innovation said in a statement.
The two turbines will be part of the Shetlands tidal array that will be operational when all the turbines are deployed and functional. The five 100kW tidal power turbines will be installed this month and will be powered to supply energy to Shetland's homes. This is a more efficient way to harvest energy from the waves as compared to the existing single power turbines.
Tidal energy is considered significant especially in places where there are available abundant marine resources. The hydropower system converts energy of the tides into power or electricity.
Many other companies have tried to introduce marine power technology in Scotland but failed. But Nova Innovation looks promising, according to environmental groups.
"News that power has been exported to grid for the first time by a pair of tidal devices marks yet another major milestone on Scotland's journey to becoming a fully renewable nation," Lang Banks, director of WWF Scotland said in a statement.
With the success of the Shetlands tidal power, more nations will look into building the same source of renewable energy.
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