A recent video posted on Youtube shows how a fox cub, that had got his head stuck in a bottle, tries to get help from two men.

Foxes are known to be shy creatures, keeping contact with humans to bare minimum. However, in this video, a fox cub is seen approaching humans to help it get its head out of a bottle.

"Where is the thank you?," the man in the video is heard as saying (in Russian) just as the fox, now released from the bottle, runs towards the bushes.

Many animals get their head stuck in things such as tree trunks or fences, However, the video shows a case of a wild fox running towards humans for help, making it particularly endearing.

Many people have posted comments on the site appreciating the good deed.

"This is good people!," Joao Rodrigues commented on the video.

"I am surprised and amazed that the fox went up to humans to go get help. A good deed has been done. Good job, guys!!," said Jessica Nyquist, one of the commentators on the site.

The video which was posted last Thursday has already got over 444,000 hits at the time of writing this article.