Fights among young siblings, often seen as a part of growing-up, can at times lead to mental health problems such as depression and anxiety, a new study has shown.
The study conducted by researchers from the University of New Hampshire found that at times, being bullied by a sibling is as bad as being bullied by a peer.
"Even kids who reported just one instance had more mental health distress. Our study shows that sibling aggression is not benign for children and adolescents, regardless of how severe or frequent," said Corinna Jenkins Tucker, associate professor of family studies at UNH and lead author of the research.
For the study researchers looked at data available on nearly 3,600 children aged between one month to 17 years. They found that about 32 percent of these children reported being bullied by their brothers or sisters.
Researchers assert that parents must take sibling bullying seriously and not let the problem grow.
John V. Caffaro, a clinical psychologist and the author of "Sibling Abuse Trauma" told The New York Times that in most cases, parents picking favorites or labeling children as the "smart one" or "the athlete" could be the reason behind children nursing a rivalry from a tender age. Although, some degree of competitiveness among siblings is good, children displaying anger or resentment towards their brothers or sisters could be damaging the submissive child's mental health.
"If siblings hit each other, there's a much different reaction than if that happened between peers. It's often dismissed, seen as something that's normal or harmless. Some parents even think it's beneficial, as good training for dealing with conflict and aggression in other relationships," she said in a news release.
The study is published in the journal Pediatrics.
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