Craigslist sometimes has the strangest ads, and well, you can add this to the list. In March, a posted ad read "TAME/HOUSEBROKEN BUFFALO COW," placing a bison on the market for almost $6,000.
And it's no joke. The adorable, 1,100-pound bison named Bullet attracted several potential buyers, with a woman even willing to pay $10,000 for the mammal. But the bison eventually landed with a couple who wished to remain anonymous, as per CNN.
Seller and now previous owner Karen Schoeve initially did not want to give her Bullet away. But she wanted to give her beloved 7-year-old bison a bigger space to live in.
The house trained bison has no problem interacting with humans. Bullet lived outside the house but is welcome to go through the house as any curious animal would. When the wind blows open a door, in she goes.
Schoeve told Inside Edition that Bullet is surprisingly light on her feet, like a ballerina. She said that whenever she is inside the house, Bullet never broke or scratched a thing. She also does not relieve herself inside the house.
Patch also reported that Bullet is no stranger to fame, as she was featured in the children's book, "The Heaven of Animals," written by Nancy Tillman.
However, Schoeve went through a divorce and had to downsize her home, leaving Bullet a smaller space to roam around.
"I wanted to keep her, but I knew I needed to let go of her," an upset Schoeve told CNN, who finds her lovable pet like a giant puppy.
Thankfully, the new owners have a big pasture for Bullet and new friends in the form of two cows. Last weekend, when Schoeve took her to her new parents, Bullet even ran around the pasture as if to say goodbye.
Fighting back tears, Schoeve said it was like her beloved animal friend was asking if it was OK that she has to go. Fortunately, the Texan woman has become friends with her new owners, allowing them to visit her anytime.
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