Renowned musician and artist Laurie Anderson's film Heart of a Dog recently won the International Cinephile Society (ICS) Award for Best Documentary. The atmospheric, sometimes sad, beautiful film centers on her late dog Lolabelle, another deceased friend, and her late husband the musician Lou Reed--who died in 2013.
The New York Times called it "dreamy, drifty, and altogether lovely."
Lolabelle was a rat terrier, with Anderson for many years. These compact, generally intelligent dogs grow to about one foot tall, to one foot, four inches at the shoulder. They were bred for catching rats below and above ground and helping on farms. They can also capture small game. The animals are sturdily built and have an appearance of sleek design. When young, they are quick and well-balanced.
Rat terriers are born with their ears up. Approximately when the puppies' eyes start to open, their ears drop -- although sometimes one ear drops and the other stays up.
This type of terrier has lots of energy. If you get one for a pet, expect to spend at least 40 minutes a day playing with it.
The film is screening around the United States right now, and the soundtrack is available through Nonesuch Records. It will also premiere on HBO on April 25.
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