It is the hot topic of 2020 and there is no need to ask why. It is something that is impacting all of our lives in one way or another. All across the globe, people are signing into social media and giving their take on the global COVID19 pandemic. Everyone from the man on the corner to the most qualified expert has their own ideas about what is going on and social media is the place where all these views can come together and be listened to. With the rate of social media growth comfortably surpassing the rate of population growth, now, more than ever, is the time when people's voices all across the globe can be heard.


(Photo : Coronavirus)

Getting comments on social media

While there are a lot of people who are happy to talk about social media, every social media user wants to encourage discussion of the topic on their profile. To do so, you can buy real Instagram comments and likes from companies like Iigers. These will help you stay in the spotlight and be part of the conversation. These comments come from real profiles and are sure to be relevant. The profiles provided will also like your posts and photos regarding the topic, helping place your profile and its content in a better position as a commentator on the current crisis.

Nature at the forefront

The topic of nature is one that has come to the forefront in these months as we struggle to cope with an unprecedented pandemic. We are dealing with a medical crisis that has had nothing similar to it occur for a hundred years. In addition to this, it is a truly global pandemic. It is not something that has been localised and contained within a specific part of the world; this is something that affects all of us throughout the world. This common problem has opened all our eyes to the struggles that other people are facing because, for once, we are all in the same boat, rowing against the same current. With so much uncertainty, it is only natural that people turn to others who may have the answers to questions about why this is happening and what can be done about it. Others have turned to different sources in search of hope and reassurance. Whatever the reason may be for this communication, the result is the same: more and more people are reaching out and getting in touch with each other. This is done in order to get the information that people seek. As well as this, people currently have more free time and can afford to dedicate more time to researching topics that interest them. As we mentioned, this one particular topic has been playing on everyone's mind lately.

What is the discussion about?

Simply put, people are looking for answers. People want to know what is going on on a daily basis, they want to know what the danger is and what can be done to avoid it. They also want to know the situation in their immediate surroundings. In addition to this, they want to understand how things like this can happen and they want to find out what exactly this thing is. All of these ideas, and many more, are the driving factors behind this topic of conversation. This conversation is taking place out in the open, on the Internet, in the media and in social media. Journalists, politicians, doctors, economists, psychologists and experts of all types are contributing to this global debate that we are all privy to. Information is key at this moment. Information can keep us safe and it can reassure us. Having access to information should be crucial for those of us concerned about the way things are going.

How big is this discussion?

As we are all aware of, this is something that affects us all. The overwhelming majority of countries have been affected in one way or another by this virus and we all have an opinion on it. At the time of writing, more than fifteen million Instagram posts have used the #coronavirus hashtag. This does not take into account the other variations of the hashtag that are also related to the topic. The content that is being posted is a mixture of hope, humour, resourcefulness and positivity, which is what is needed at this moment in time. It is also possible to engage people in a more detailed debate on the matter but, for now, social media seems to be a place of hope and reassurance. It is important to get people to engage with this debate and contribute to it.

How can you contribute?

You don't want to be left behind on this one. This is a time when everyone in the world is living through a shared experience and we can all opine on the matter. If you want to make an impression on social media, now is your chance. We all have a common topic so whatever you say will be taken in and listened to by others. It is up to you to make that comment relevant and intriguing. By doing so, you will be able to get more people interested in your profile and its content in the long run. This is something that affects us all. Therefore, we all have an opinion and we are all ready to listen to those of others. This is a unique moment in time and, hopefully, one that won't repeat itself any time soon. Make sure you are doing what you can to be a part of it.