D-Wave Systems has announced the biggest quantum chip ever to be made called D-Wave. According to the company, the new quantum chip has double the processing power compared to its predecessor, the D-Wave 2X. However, scientists are not fully convinced about the benefits of using quantum computers.

The Verge notes that D-Wave has 2,000 qubits, which is double the 1000-qubit processor of D-Wave 2X. Also, the new quantum chip features a more refined quantum computing system for a more powerful performance.

"Our focus is on delivering quantum technology for customers in the real world. As we scale our processors, we’re adding features and capabilities that give users new ways to solve problems," said Vern Brownell, CEO of D-Wave, as quoted by a report from Tech 2. "These new features can enable machine learning applications that we believe are not available on classical systems. We are also developing software tools and training the first generation of quantum programmers, which will push forward the development of practical commercial applications for quantum systems.”

However, despite this big announcement, some scientists are not buying the idea, saying that there has been no proof of the benefits when using quantum processors. A 2014 study shows that there were no difference in terms of speed from conventional computers and those equipped with quantum chips.

"There was only ever a hope that a quantum annealer would be better. It turns out that at least for the architecture implemented by D-Wave, [the computation] can be mimicked very efficiently on a classical computer. We don’t have any evidence of quantum speedup in this architecture and building a bigger machine will not help that," Matthias Troyer, co-author of the 2014 study, told The Verge.

To learn more about D-Wave and about quantum computer technology, check out the video below.