More and more people have been reported to be attacked by sharks in Hawaii specifically in Maui. Researchers from the Land and Natural Resources Department of Hawaii conducted a study to find out the reason behind the alarming increase of these incidents and came up with various explanations.
In order to keep track and record the data on the behavior and activities of sharks living around Oahu and Maui islands and open seas, some tiger sharks were tagged and monitored.
Tech Times reported that Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology (HIMB) headed by Charles Meyer found a trend on the locations where sharks prefer to stay. They found that these sharks preferred waters rich in coral reefs swarming with foods for them.
Another contributing factor to higher visibility of sharks on waters usually visited by human is the global warming. Since temperature on the sea floor increased faster than the previous years, sharks tend to find and stay on places where human also find comfortable.
Humans may also be to blame for the rise in shark attack incident increase, as people tend to stay longer in the ocean nowadays. Man also engages in a lot of activities in the ocean, such as swimming, spear fishing, stand up paddleboarding, surfing and kayaking.
Avoiding swimming in gloomy waters and near dead animals is the simplest yet significant ways on how man can protect himself from demonizing the sharks. Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology advised ocean lovers to not think of fear when thinking about sharks but instead think of ways on how to co-exist with what they call as "man's aquatic neighbor", as per PhysOrg.
"Swimming in the ocean is swimming in what amounts to a wilderness environment. Sharks are part of this environment," said Bruce Anderson of Hawaii's Division of Aquatic Resources. "We have to accept that they're there and take precautions to avoid encounters, which are going to occur from time to time," he added, according to The Christian Science Monitor.
When people begin to understand sharks and how to co-exist with them, they will find out that there is more to be concerned about sharks than to fear about them.
This video shows how some who did not just understood animals but even befriended them.
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